This is the only sugar replacement which is truly like real sugar – but without the dangers attached. It is a UNIQUE product in this country (a South African FIRST) which tastes JUST like sugar (better actually), with the following benefits:
o 1 for 1 sugar replacement
o NO aftertaste
o NO carbs
o NO calories
o NO glycemic index
o NO guilt and NO sweat!
o NOTHING added
The other BENEFITS include the following:
o Healthy
o Safe
o GOOD for you
o Promotes weight loss
o Perfect for diabetics and those with Insulin Resistance
o Fantastic for weight loss and blood sugar issues
o Does not spike insulin at all
o Perfect to bake with – use exactly as you would use sugar
FANTASTIC if you are on ANY of the following DIETS:
• Keto
• Diabetic
• Candida
• Paleo
• Vegan
• Sugar-Free
• Non-GMO
• Weight loss
• Any diet for health or weight loss
The sweet taste is NOT sugar – it comes from mogrosides, compounds which taste SWEET but have no glycemic index, carbs or calories. A 2011 study showed that the fruit’s mogrosides are anti-inflammatory, keep blood sugar levels stable and may help prevent cancer.